When you look for the right roofing contractor in Merseyside, you are looking for a company that has excellent accreditation, offers the widest variety of services, complies with all the correct Health and Safety requirements and has a history of outstanding service. You are looking for the best. You are looking for Furber Roofing.
Furber Roofing is a family run business that was established in 1957 and has been running since. Furber Roofing is accredited by the National Federation of Roofing Contractors which requires the close inspection of technical competence, craft skills and a stable financial position. The company is accredited by Trust Mark which represents local, reliable and trustworthy tradesmen who are operating to Government endorsed standards.
Furber Roofing also meets Wirral Trading Standards. They were the first roofing contractor to become a member of the Wirral Trader Standards Fair Trading Scheme which aims to create a trading environment where the customer can employ services with confidence from Wirral traders. Since becoming a member of this scheme, Furber Roofing has won a number of awards for their excellence. In 2006, they were the runner up Trader of the Year, in 2009 they received a Certificate of Excellence for customer service and in 2010 they received a Special Recognition Award.
Furber Roofing offers extensive services including traditional felt flat roofing, Velux roof window installations, roof repairs and re-roofing. The company, with over 55 years of experience, has full Public and Employers Liability Insurance and ensures that their services comply with all Health and Safety requirements. Find out more here.
Having stood the test of time and operating with the integrity of a family-run business, Furber Roofing is the solution to all your roofing needs.